08 February, 2009

On The Mend... Finally

Fortunately, this post comes courtesy of a healthy McBrayer family.

After over a week of sickness being passed around the house, everyone is better... well, for the most part anyway.

Holden started us off with a bug that he brought home from school (we think it was the Rota Virus -- good stuff).  Last Sunday (Feb. 1st), Fiona started to show symptoms of the same bug -- vomiting and diarrhea.  Melissa came home from work on Tuesday (Feb. 3rd) complaining of flu-like symptoms which (inevitably) led to the stomach bug-business later that same evening.  Finally, Bert was stricken with the bug by Thursday morning and was down and out until late on Saturday.

Most of us were only affected for about 48 hours, but the bug seems to really be giving Fiona the worst of the lot.  She seems to still be fighting the nastiness more-than-a week later.  

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing worse than a bad stomach virus.  Cold and flu I can take care of -- make the stricken one comfortable with relative ease.  But stomach are a completely different animal.  You can only set a bowl in front of the victim, and hope they have good aim.

For the record, Fiona has terrible aim.

The good news is all of this mass-illness?  MOVIES!

Last weekend, the entire family watched Surf's Up (which was surprisingly good) and Bert and Melissa watched Pineapple Express.  Both films were heartily enjoyed by each audience.

This weekend the family enjoyed an out-of-this-world adventure with Wall-E...

...and good times were had by all.

I hope that your family does not have to endure the icky-ness that we have had this past week.  Despite all of this, we are still thankful for our collective health -- emphasis on the ability to defeat the nasty virus.


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Play nicely, kids. Don't make me turn this car around...